Why ERP Therapy is the “Gold Standard” Treatment for Religious OCD
If you suspect you may have religious OCD (or someone you love does), you have probably done some research and found a lot of references to ERP, aka exposure and response prevention, as a treatment. In fact, ERP is widely regarded as the “gold standard” or best available treatment for all forms of OCD, including scrupulosity.
Let’s set the stage. Religious OCD can leave you feeling trapped in a cycle of intrusive thoughts about your faith, beliefs, or even your moral standing. Picture this: you’re in a moment of prayer, but instead of feeling connected, you’re bombarded with doubts—thoughts that maybe you’re not truly faithful or that you’ve committed some sin by even thinking such things. These thoughts can lead to compulsions, like excessive praying, seeking reassurance from church leaders or family members, or even avoiding church meetings or the temple altogether.
For many, this can lead to a profound sense of guilt and anxiety, making it difficult to enjoy a meaningful spiritual life. This is where ERP comes in.
ERP is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) specifically designed to treat OCD. The main idea here is to expose individuals to the thoughts or situations that trigger their anxiety while preventing them from performing their usual compulsive behaviors. It sounds counterintuitive, right? Why would you want to face your fears? But that’s where transformation happens.
By gradually confronting those fears and resisting the urge to perform compulsions, you learn that the anxiety diminishes over time. It’s all about breaking the cycle of obsession and compulsion—a key to living a life that’s more in line with your true values and beliefs.
Why is ERP Considered the Gold Standard?
We have overwhelming evidence ERP is effective.
First and foremost, ERP was developed in the 1960s and has been proven effective in many, many studies over 50+ years. Research consistently shows that it significantly reduces OCD symptoms, including those associated with religious OCD. ERP will teach you how to manage the distress and anxiety associated with your obsessive thoughts without relying on unhelpful and destructive compulsive behaviors.
ERP empowers you to take control of your anxiety.
ERP helps you learn to face your fears, manage your anxiety, and, ultimately, take control of your life. Instead of feeling like you are at the mercy of your distressing, obsessive thoughts, ERP will help you learn how to manage the anxiety associated with your thoughts without engaging in destructive compulsions. It’s about building resilience and flexibility. You will learn that your intrusive thoughts don’t define you or your faith. This newfound control can be liberating and life-changing.
ERP gives you skills to manage intrusive thoughts.
Many people think that having intrusive thoughts makes them a bad person or that they are even a sin. ERP helps you learn that it’s not about the thoughts themselves but how you respond to them. Working with an ERP therapist, you will learn that reducing the distress associated with your intrusive is not a matter of repentance but instead benefits from greater knowledge of how OCD affects your brain and evidence-based strategies that will help you deal with the thoughts before they take over your life.
ERP makes it possible for you to have a healthier spiritual life.
It is easy to believe that your religious OCD is the result of a spiritual problem. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. While the content of your anxious thoughts is religious in nature, your distress is the result of an anxiety problem, not a spiritual one. Through ERP, you will learn how to tell the difference between anxious thoughts and spiritual ones. This will, in turn, allow you to build the kind of relationship you want with Heavenly Father, free from the interference of your anxiety and intrusive thoughts.
ERP gives your concrete skills to manage your OCD.
Unlike traditional “talk therapy,” ERP is focused on helping you develop practical strategies to manage your OCD. Because of this focus on skills, ERP is usually a relatively short-term therapy. With your therapist, you will work on learning how to do exposures and other related skills. Then, once you have finished therapy, you will know what to do on your own if you experience symptoms of OCD in the future.
Things to consider before you start ERP
Before starting ERP therapy for religious OCD, consider a few key factors.
First, ensure you have a qualified therapist experienced in OCD treatment, as their expertise is crucial.
Next, consider your readiness for ERP. ERP is an extremely effective treatment, but it requires consistent effort to succeed. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to devote 1 hour per day to therapy-related work when you start ERP, in addition to weekly therapy appointments for the first few months of treatment.
Consider making an appointment with your psychiatrist to discuss starting or review your medications. Medication can be very helpful for people in ERP therapy. It can make it easier to do your exposures and can decrease the overall amount of time needed in therapy.
Consider your support system; having friends or family who understand your journey can be beneficial. Bonus points if they have a great sense of humor–that is always an asset in ERP!
At Mountain Home Center for Religious and Moral OCD, we specialize in providing ERP therapy for religious OCD in Provo, Utah and surrounding areas. Please reach out to us here if you would like to schedule a consultation to see if we can help you!